Birding Tours at Los Quetzales are very unique and sought after by enthusiasts and experts from around the world. We got our start back in 1970 with a deep desire to conserve the habitat of the highlands of Panama in an effort to provide nesting grounds and ample habitat to encourage bird, fauna and flora species that are unique to our beautiful area.
Our guests have several options including hiring professional guides who will take you in our rugged 4×4 vehicles to tour deep into the Cloud Forest and visit several unforgettable destinations. Guests can choose to visit our volcanic highland lakes, as well as places like Finca Hartmann, archeological sites, Las Nubes ( at the entrance to Friendship
International Park), Bajo Grande (at the entrance to Volcan Baru National Park) and Bajo Frio.
Our professional guides will help our guests spot many varied endemic species such as the Resplendent Quetzal, the Emerald Toucanette, the Fiery-Billed Aracari, the Turquoise
Cotinga, Scarlet-Thighed Dacnis, Green Honeycreeper or the Golden-Browed Chlorophonia.
Birding can also be done by visiting nearby Finca Dracula and our own 400 hectare cabin area on foot from Los Quetzales EcoLodge & Spa. Our cabins are located inside two of the national parks and are available at no extra charge to our overnight guests.